While these numbers’ meaning is unclear, this is one detail that few replica bags include. One of the biggest red flags for spotting a fake Gucci handbag is spotting letters on the tag. Newer Gucci bags will have two rows of numbers, while pre-90s bags may only have one.īut no matter what era your bag is from, it should only be numbers. If you flip this leather tab upwards, it should be stamped with the bag’s serial number.

This serial number tag holds the famous “Gucci” logo but is also your key for identifying a replica vs. Almost every real Gucci handbag had a leather tag located along the interior stitching of the bag. More often than not, the serial number is going to be the quickest way to spot a fake Gucci bag.
Now let’s get on to exactly how to spot a fake Gucci bag. The bags in particular are favorites of celebrities, influencers, and fashionistas everywhere.īecause of this, these will also be the bags you see faked most often, so keep a close eye out for these styles in particular. *Find 13 Most Popular Louis Vuitton Bags here. These include the GG Marmont, the Soho Disco Bag, the Dionysus, and the Sylvie. While Gucci has released hundreds of styles over the years, there a few that stand out as the most popular. Since then, the brand has gone on to be a household name and one of the most recognizable brands in the world with its sophisticated, androgynous “geek-chic” style. During this time, Gucci’s signature motif and tanning technique were born and became a trademark of the brand. Having taken note of the tastes of wealthy clients during his employment at the Savoy Hotel, he first opened his shop as a seller of imported leather luggage.ĭue to the imposition of a trade embargo on Italy, leather became scarce and Gucci had to introduce other materials such as raffia, wicker, wood, linen, and jute. Gucci was founded in Florence, Italy by Guccio Gucci in 1921. This post may include affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission if you shop using the links below at no additional cost to you. Paisley + Sparrow is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.